Engine Simulator Reduces Development Time and Expense
John Davis
Team Corporation
Copyright ? 2002 Team Corporation
Traditionally development of engine-driven products has
required testing with an operating engine. Because an
operating engine is required, many tests are delayed until
operational engines are available for testing purposes.
Engines are frequently not available until very late in the
development process. Getting a late start on testing
naturally limits the amount of testing that can be
performed and the number of design alternatives that
can be evaluated.
Team Corporation’s 900 Series of Engine Simulation
Systems reduce development cost and time-to-market
for engine-driven systems and components. By providing
a programmable and flexible test platform, a Team
Engine Simulation Systems enables the development
engineer to perform more tests, more accurately, and
earlier in the development process. A typical Team Engine Simulation System with
integrated variable speed drive.
By using data from similar engines or from CAE models,
The PC-based Engine Simulation Controller (ESSCON)
the Team ESS can be used at the very beginning of the
allows the operator to control the amplitude, frequency
engine development program to evaluate several design
and duration of vibration. In addition the speed of rotation
alternatives quickly. Results from these tests can be
can be controlled. A test scheduling feature allows for
used to narrow the alternatives to the most promising.
programming of engine duty cycles and looping of test
Subsequent testing that incorporates measured data
obtained on prototype engines allows quick and reliable
comparison of the performance of the various designs
Aside from the physical space required, there are
under controlled, repeatable conditions.
numerous safety and environmental issues related to an
engine-drive testing facility. Among these are fuel
The Team ESS uses closed-loop vibration control to
handling, exhaust gas handling, and fire-suppression
provide repeatable test conditions test after test. By
systems. By eliminating the need for fuel and the
eliminating uncontrolled variables such as changes in
production of exhaust gases the Team ESS can
engine performance over time and variations from
significantly reduce facility costs. In addition, the flexibility
engine to engine, the Team ESS brings a higher level of
of the Team ESS further reduces the overall facility
confidence to the testing process.
\\Ntserver\sales\Data\Application Notes\Engine Simulator Reduces Development Time and Expense.doc Page 1 of 4SYSTEM DETAILS
Team Corporation offers ESS systems with dynamic
torque capabilities ranging from 1.1 to 4.5 kN-m at
frequencies up to 600 Hz and rotational speeds up to
10000 rpm. This wide range of capability allows Team to
provide ESS solutions for the full range of passenger car
and heavy truck applications.
A complete ESS is comprised of the following sub-
Variable Speed Drive (VSD) – The VSD provides rotary
motion and steady state torque for the engine simulation
system. Typically a variable speed DC drive, the VSD
may be integrated into the ESS (up to 75 kW). For higher
power requirements an external drive may be used.
Spinning Rotary Actuator (SRA) – The SRA is the
heart of the ESS. It provides the dynamic torsional
vibrations to the test specimen. The SRA can be
described as a rotary actuator whose housing is allowed
to rotate. All dynamic torque, acceleration and
displacement are generated relative to the actuator
housing. Any steady state torque produced by the VSD
also acts through the spinning rotary actuator.
A belt test setup on an early Team Engine Simulation
The primary working components of the spinning rotary
actuator are the housing and the rotor. The housing is
driven by the VSD either directly or using a toothed belt.
The rotor maintains its position relative to the housing by
means of hydraulic pressure on the rotor’s vanes. Servovalve Assembly – The servovalve assembly is
Modulating the pressure on the rotor vanes produces comprised of a Team high-frequency voice coil driven
dynamic torque. pilot stage and a Team high-flow slave stage. Optimized
for high frequency response, the servovalve assembly
The SRA is supported by two hydrostatic bearings; one enables the ESS to operate at frequencies up to and
each at the front and rear of the SRA. Hydrostatic beyond 600 Hz.
bearings are used to minimize friction. The front bearing
of the actuator assembly also serves as a hydraulic slip Instrumentation and Control (ESSCON) – The
ring that allows oil to flow from the stationary servovalves instrumentation and control system controls and
into the actuator. monitors the test in progress and the operation of the
ESS. The primary control element is the angular
Attached to the housing are two disks. The larger of the acceleration of the rotor. This is measured by means of
two is an inertia disk that reacts the dynamic torque one or more standard linear accelerometer mounted
generated by the rotor. The inertia disk is sized so as to tangentially to the axis of rotation at a known, fixed
have an inertia that is many times greater than the inertia radius. Accelerometers are used for low cost, high
of the test load to maximize the energy transmitted to the resolution and the ability to operate at zero speed.
test load. The second disk is a brake disk. The brake is
used to automatically or manually stops the ESS in the The linear acceleration measured by the accelerometer
event of an emergency. is converted to angular units using a simple conversion
John Davis
Team Corporation
Copyright ? 2002 Team Corporation
Traditionally development of engine-driven products has
required testing with an operating engine. Because an
operating engine is required, many tests are delayed until
operational engines are available for testing purposes.
Engines are frequently not available until very late in the
development process. Getting a late start on testing
naturally limits the amount of testing that can be
performed and the number of design alternatives that
can be evaluated.
Team Corporation’s 900 Series of Engine Simulation
Systems reduce development cost and time-to-market
for engine-driven systems and components. By providing
a programmable and flexible test platform, a Team
Engine Simulation Systems enables the development
engineer to perform more tests, more accurately, and
earlier in the development process. A typical Team Engine Simulation System with
integrated variable speed drive.
By using data from similar engines or from CAE models,
The PC-based Engine Simulation Controller (ESSCON)
the Team ESS can be used at the very beginning of the
allows the operator to control the amplitude, frequency
engine development program to evaluate several design
and duration of vibration. In addition the speed of rotation
alternatives quickly. Results from these tests can be
can be controlled. A test scheduling feature allows for
used to narrow the alternatives to the most promising.
programming of engine duty cycles and looping of test
Subsequent testing that incorporates measured data
obtained on prototype engines allows quick and reliable
comparison of the performance of the various designs
Aside from the physical space required, there are
under controlled, repeatable conditions.
numerous safety and environmental issues related to an
engine-drive testing facility. Among these are fuel
The Team ESS uses closed-loop vibration control to
handling, exhaust gas handling, and fire-suppression
provide repeatable test conditions test after test. By
systems. By eliminating the need for fuel and the
eliminating uncontrolled variables such as changes in
production of exhaust gases the Team ESS can
engine performance over time and variations from
significantly reduce facility costs. In addition, the flexibility
engine to engine, the Team ESS brings a higher level of
of the Team ESS further reduces the overall facility
confidence to the testing process.
\\Ntserver\sales\Data\Application Notes\Engine Simulator Reduces Development Time and Expense.doc Page 1 of 4SYSTEM DETAILS
Team Corporation offers ESS systems with dynamic
torque capabilities ranging from 1.1 to 4.5 kN-m at
frequencies up to 600 Hz and rotational speeds up to
10000 rpm. This wide range of capability allows Team to
provide ESS solutions for the full range of passenger car
and heavy truck applications.
A complete ESS is comprised of the following sub-
Variable Speed Drive (VSD) – The VSD provides rotary
motion and steady state torque for the engine simulation
system. Typically a variable speed DC drive, the VSD
may be integrated into the ESS (up to 75 kW). For higher
power requirements an external drive may be used.
Spinning Rotary Actuator (SRA) – The SRA is the
heart of the ESS. It provides the dynamic torsional
vibrations to the test specimen. The SRA can be
described as a rotary actuator whose housing is allowed
to rotate. All dynamic torque, acceleration and
displacement are generated relative to the actuator
housing. Any steady state torque produced by the VSD
also acts through the spinning rotary actuator.
A belt test setup on an early Team Engine Simulation
The primary working components of the spinning rotary
actuator are the housing and the rotor. The housing is
driven by the VSD either directly or using a toothed belt.
The rotor maintains its position relative to the housing by
means of hydraulic pressure on the rotor’s vanes. Servovalve Assembly – The servovalve assembly is
Modulating the pressure on the rotor vanes produces comprised of a Team high-frequency voice coil driven
dynamic torque. pilot stage and a Team high-flow slave stage. Optimized
for high frequency response, the servovalve assembly
The SRA is supported by two hydrostatic bearings; one enables the ESS to operate at frequencies up to and
each at the front and rear of the SRA. Hydrostatic beyond 600 Hz.
bearings are used to minimize friction. The front bearing
of the actuator assembly also serves as a hydraulic slip Instrumentation and Control (ESSCON) – The
ring that allows oil to flow from the stationary servovalves instrumentation and control system controls and
into the actuator. monitors the test in progress and the operation of the
ESS. The primary control element is the angular
Attached to the housing are two disks. The larger of the acceleration of the rotor. This is measured by means of
two is an inertia disk that reacts the dynamic torque one or more standard linear accelerometer mounted
generated by the rotor. The inertia disk is sized so as to tangentially to the axis of rotation at a known, fixed
have an inertia that is many times greater than the inertia radius. Accelerometers are used for low cost, high
of the test load to maximize the energy transmitted to the resolution and the ability to operate at zero speed.
test load. The second disk is a brake disk. The brake is
used to automatically or manually stops the ESS in the The linear acceleration measured by the accelerometer
event of an emergency. is converted to angular units using a simple conversion