Radian Research, Inc.
RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
Product Bulletin 7030
The RS-703A is a totally automated laboratory calibration system RMS, Millivolt Hour RMS, Amps RMS, Milliamp Hour RMS,
that provides automated testing of field and laboratory standards as VARhour, Qhour, Volt-ampere Hour Average, Volts Average,
well as qualification testing of new solid state meter designs. The Kilovolt-ampere Average, Millivolt Hour Average, Amps Average,
RS-703A will calibrate these devices with a typical accuracy of Milliamp Hour Average, kiloVAR. With these parameters, the RS-
+0.005% (50 PPM). 703A can easily test multifunction standards and multifunction solid
The Radian RD-22 Dytronic Primary Transfer Standard works state meters.
seamlessly with the RS-703A to complete an AC metrology labora- The RS-703A has the ability to create operator defined arbitrary
tory system unequalled in accuracy and functionality. Due to Radian waveforms. Within the software, the operator specifies the har-
innovations in the areas of active transformer design and advanced monic (1 through 23), the axis (voltage and/or current), the magnitude
signal processing, accuracy and precision are intrinsic characteris- (% distortion up to 30% of fundamental), and the phase (angle
tics of the RD-22. The typical accuracy of the RD-22 is within difference between each harmonic and the fundamental). The
traceability uncertainties. The addition of both the RS-703A Auto- arbitrary waveform capability allows electric utilities to effectively
mated Calibration System and the RD-22 Primary Transfer Stan- evaluate the performance of solid state meter designs under various
dard to the metrology laboratory creates an unprecedented check harmonic conditions.
and balance system between sourcing and sensing standards. Soft- The RS-703A software consists of a Microsoft? Windows?
ware options within the RS-703A have the ability to run tests while based Control Program with multitasking capability for increased
treating the RD-22 Primary Transfer Standard as the reference flexibility and efficiency. The Control Program contains enhanced
device. graphically oriented operations to increase user-friendliness and
The RS-703A can automatically test up to 16 standards simulta- simplify test program creations. The Control Program provides
neously. This testing capability effectively reduces test times to direction to the RS-703A hardware for automated testing, as speci-
hours from what previously required days. And, the RS-703A is fied by the operator and is located on the hard disk of the System
unexcelled in the ability to do evaluation testing of meters, particularly Computer.
the multiple function solid state meters now becoming widely used. The System Computer controls the RS-703A and collects the
Problems with meters such as crosstalk between elements, tempera- data. All communications between the computer and the various
ture influences, drift, harmonic distortion sensitivity and three phase modules is conducted exclusively with glass fiber optics. Powerful
versus single phase calibration are readily detected. commercial software packages will run on the computer and trans-
All common calibration functions are available including: Watthour, ferring data to them is straightforward. Permanent hard disk storage
Kilowatt, Volt-ampere Hour RMS, Volts RMS, Kilovolt-ampere is used to maintain test records and other data within the RS-703A.The RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
The RS-703A provides metrology laboratories with accuracy, precision, stability and efficiency previously
unattainable. The RS-703A features an array of functionality and a level of measurement second to none.
These core system attributes uniquely combine to make the RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
the foundation of today’s modern metrology laboratory.
Optimum Testing Efficiency Expansive Testing Capabilities
The increased productivity resulting from optimum testing The RS-703A will test a myriad of AC products generally
efficiency make the RS-703A the definitive approach to found at electric utility companies. The system not only has
watthour reference standard testing. Automated results cal- the ability to run accuracy certifications on watthour stan-
culation, automated saving of data, unattended testing capa- dards and evaluation testing of solid state meter designs, but
bilities, and the ability to test up to 16 standards at one time it will also test various other devices such as AC voltmeters,
can reduce test times from days to hours. Efficiency is further ammeters and phase angle meters with extreme accuracy and
enhanced by the Test Group feature of the RS-703A. This precision. The RS-703A's expansive set of measurement
feature allows multiple test sheets to be run sequentially on functions streamlines the workings of electric utility labora-
the same device(s). Test Groups can also run unattended tories. The ability for personnel to test many instruments on
allowing for greater testing productivity even during non- one central system allows for optimization of test data stor-
working hours. age, personnel resources and training times.
Simple Operation The RS-703A with RD-22 Provide a Complete
Automated Reference System
While sophisticated in its internal functioning, the RS-703A
system is very simple to operate. The system was designed
For a complete automated AC reference test system, it is
so that a new user could be up and running after a brief
recommended that three RD-22 Dytronic Primary Transfer
training session. The intuitive Windows based RS-703A
Standards be used in conjunction with the RS-703A Auto-
Control Program was developed with ease of use as a primary
mated Calibration System.
objective. A software driven help system provides guidance
The RS-703A coupled with the RD-22 provides arguably the
to the operator and the illustrated operations manual further
most accurate, stable, repeatable and flexible automated AC
details the system’s application.
reference system in the world. The RS-703A’s system com-
puter will be serially connected to the RD-22 and will receive
Testing Standardization
processed measurement information from the RD-22. The
portable standards being tested will have their pulse outputs
At the pinnacle of the RS-703A’s operating characteristics connected to the Data Collection Module of the RD-703A.
are the system’s accuracy, precision and stability of mea- At the conclusion of the test, the RS-703A Control Program
surement. Utilizing Radian’s patented Syntron technology, will display test results (in percent error or percent registra-
the RS-703A serves as a sourcing standard by synthesizing tion) comparing the RD-22 to the unit being tested, as well as
voltage and current waveforms of extreme precision and results comparing the RS-703A to the RD-22.
accuracy. These waveforms are then amplified and applied to In this manner, the RS-703A and RD-22 working together
devices under test. This state of the art approach to watthour effectively serve as a check and balance to the proper func-
reference standardization allows for unsurpassed accuracy tioning of the test sequence. The typical accuracy of the RS-
and linearity across the system’s entire operating range 703A is +/- 0.005%, and the typical accuracy of the RD-22 is
making it ideally suited as a working primary reference sys- within traceability uncertainties. If there are three RD-22s
tem. Traceability of the RS-703A’s measurement accuracy is being used, then the RS-703A Control Program has the ability
maintained directly through Radian’s NIST traceable calibra- to average the three references as though they were one unit
tion laboratory. Several recertification options are available thus increasing the measurement integrity. In addition, pri-
for the RS-703A. mary references of DC Voltage, Resistance and Time can be
tested against the RD-22. This is a useful feature for those
laboratories that desire to perform a DC to AC transfer.
Radian Research, Inc.System Highlights
! System accuracy (includes stability) ! Test up to 16 standards at a time
+/- 0.005% typical
+/- 0.005% to 0.05% typical with ! Unattended testing allows overnight production
arbitrary waveforms up to 30% THD
! Reduce test times from days to hours
! Single phase and three phase configurations
! Eliminate manual calculations and record keeping
! Expansive set of measurement functions
! Easily store, find, view and print test results
! Test voltage: 63 to 630 V at 60Hz, 63 to 525 V at 50Hz
! Two year warranty, extended available
! Test current: 0.2 to 50 A, optional 0.2 to 67 A
! Accuracy recertification services available
Radian Research, Inc.
RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
Product Bulletin 7030
The RS-703A is a totally automated laboratory calibration system RMS, Millivolt Hour RMS, Amps RMS, Milliamp Hour RMS,
that provides automated testing of field and laboratory standards as VARhour, Qhour, Volt-ampere Hour Average, Volts Average,
well as qualification testing of new solid state meter designs. The Kilovolt-ampere Average, Millivolt Hour Average, Amps Average,
RS-703A will calibrate these devices with a typical accuracy of Milliamp Hour Average, kiloVAR. With these parameters, the RS-
+0.005% (50 PPM). 703A can easily test multifunction standards and multifunction solid
The Radian RD-22 Dytronic Primary Transfer Standard works state meters.
seamlessly with the RS-703A to complete an AC metrology labora- The RS-703A has the ability to create operator defined arbitrary
tory system unequalled in accuracy and functionality. Due to Radian waveforms. Within the software, the operator specifies the har-
innovations in the areas of active transformer design and advanced monic (1 through 23), the axis (voltage and/or current), the magnitude
signal processing, accuracy and precision are intrinsic characteris- (% distortion up to 30% of fundamental), and the phase (angle
tics of the RD-22. The typical accuracy of the RD-22 is within difference between each harmonic and the fundamental). The
traceability uncertainties. The addition of both the RS-703A Auto- arbitrary waveform capability allows electric utilities to effectively
mated Calibration System and the RD-22 Primary Transfer Stan- evaluate the performance of solid state meter designs under various
dard to the metrology laboratory creates an unprecedented check harmonic conditions.
and balance system between sourcing and sensing standards. Soft- The RS-703A software consists of a Microsoft? Windows?
ware options within the RS-703A have the ability to run tests while based Control Program with multitasking capability for increased
treating the RD-22 Primary Transfer Standard as the reference flexibility and efficiency. The Control Program contains enhanced
device. graphically oriented operations to increase user-friendliness and
The RS-703A can automatically test up to 16 standards simulta- simplify test program creations. The Control Program provides
neously. This testing capability effectively reduces test times to direction to the RS-703A hardware for automated testing, as speci-
hours from what previously required days. And, the RS-703A is fied by the operator and is located on the hard disk of the System
unexcelled in the ability to do evaluation testing of meters, particularly Computer.
the multiple function solid state meters now becoming widely used. The System Computer controls the RS-703A and collects the
Problems with meters such as crosstalk between elements, tempera- data. All communications between the computer and the various
ture influences, drift, harmonic distortion sensitivity and three phase modules is conducted exclusively with glass fiber optics. Powerful
versus single phase calibration are readily detected. commercial software packages will run on the computer and trans-
All common calibration functions are available including: Watthour, ferring data to them is straightforward. Permanent hard disk storage
Kilowatt, Volt-ampere Hour RMS, Volts RMS, Kilovolt-ampere is used to maintain test records and other data within the RS-703A.The RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
The RS-703A provides metrology laboratories with accuracy, precision, stability and efficiency previously
unattainable. The RS-703A features an array of functionality and a level of measurement second to none.
These core system attributes uniquely combine to make the RS-703A Syntron Automated Calibration System
the foundation of today’s modern metrology laboratory.
Optimum Testing Efficiency Expansive Testing Capabilities
The increased productivity resulting from optimum testing The RS-703A will test a myriad of AC products generally
efficiency make the RS-703A the definitive approach to found at electric utility companies. The system not only has
watthour reference standard testing. Automated results cal- the ability to run accuracy certifications on watthour stan-
culation, automated saving of data, unattended testing capa- dards and evaluation testing of solid state meter designs, but
bilities, and the ability to test up to 16 standards at one time it will also test various other devices such as AC voltmeters,
can reduce test times from days to hours. Efficiency is further ammeters and phase angle meters with extreme accuracy and
enhanced by the Test Group feature of the RS-703A. This precision. The RS-703A's expansive set of measurement
feature allows multiple test sheets to be run sequentially on functions streamlines the workings of electric utility labora-
the same device(s). Test Groups can also run unattended tories. The ability for personnel to test many instruments on
allowing for greater testing productivity even during non- one central system allows for optimization of test data stor-
working hours. age, personnel resources and training times.
Simple Operation The RS-703A with RD-22 Provide a Complete
Automated Reference System
While sophisticated in its internal functioning, the RS-703A
system is very simple to operate. The system was designed
For a complete automated AC reference test system, it is
so that a new user could be up and running after a brief
recommended that three RD-22 Dytronic Primary Transfer
training session. The intuitive Windows based RS-703A
Standards be used in conjunction with the RS-703A Auto-
Control Program was developed with ease of use as a primary
mated Calibration System.
objective. A software driven help system provides guidance
The RS-703A coupled with the RD-22 provides arguably the
to the operator and the illustrated operations manual further
most accurate, stable, repeatable and flexible automated AC
details the system’s application.
reference system in the world. The RS-703A’s system com-
puter will be serially connected to the RD-22 and will receive
Testing Standardization
processed measurement information from the RD-22. The
portable standards being tested will have their pulse outputs
At the pinnacle of the RS-703A’s operating characteristics connected to the Data Collection Module of the RD-703A.
are the system’s accuracy, precision and stability of mea- At the conclusion of the test, the RS-703A Control Program
surement. Utilizing Radian’s patented Syntron technology, will display test results (in percent error or percent registra-
the RS-703A serves as a sourcing standard by synthesizing tion) comparing the RD-22 to the unit being tested, as well as
voltage and current waveforms of extreme precision and results comparing the RS-703A to the RD-22.
accuracy. These waveforms are then amplified and applied to In this manner, the RS-703A and RD-22 working together
devices under test. This state of the art approach to watthour effectively serve as a check and balance to the proper func-
reference standardization allows for unsurpassed accuracy tioning of the test sequence. The typical accuracy of the RS-
and linearity across the system’s entire operating range 703A is +/- 0.005%, and the typical accuracy of the RD-22 is
making it ideally suited as a working primary reference sys- within traceability uncertainties. If there are three RD-22s
tem. Traceability of the RS-703A’s measurement accuracy is being used, then the RS-703A Control Program has the ability
maintained directly through Radian’s NIST traceable calibra- to average the three references as though they were one unit
tion laboratory. Several recertification options are available thus increasing the measurement integrity. In addition, pri-
for the RS-703A. mary references of DC Voltage, Resistance and Time can be
tested against the RD-22. This is a useful feature for those
laboratories that desire to perform a DC to AC transfer.
Radian Research, Inc.System Highlights
! System accuracy (includes stability) ! Test up to 16 standards at a time
+/- 0.005% typical
+/- 0.005% to 0.05% typical with ! Unattended testing allows overnight production
arbitrary waveforms up to 30% THD
! Reduce test times from days to hours
! Single phase and three phase configurations
! Eliminate manual calculations and record keeping
! Expansive set of measurement functions
! Easily store, find, view and print test results
! Test voltage: 63 to 630 V at 60Hz, 63 to 525 V at 50Hz
! Two year warranty, extended available
! Test current: 0.2 to 50 A, optional 0.2 to 67 A
! Accuracy recertification services available