VIA P4M266 (I G) 芯片組 產(chǎn)品手冊
VIA P4M266 (I G) 芯片組產(chǎn)品手冊.
PPrrooSSaavvaaggeeDDDDRR PP44MM226666
CChhiippsseett IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryIntel? Pentium? 4 Processor
Corporate Uptake has been Slow
““OOnnee rreeaassoonn ccoorrppoorraattee uusseerrss sshhoouulldd aavvooiidd tthhee PP44 iiss
tthhaatt iitt wwoonn''tt mmaakkee ooffffiiccee aapppplliiccaattiioonnss ffaasstteerr..””
““AAnnootthheerr rreeaassoonn ttoo aavvooiidd tthhee PP44 iiss tthhaatt iitt uusseess
““FFiinnaallllyy,, ccoorrppoorraattee uusseerrss sshhoouullddnn''tt cchhoooossee tthhee PP44
bbeeccaauussee iitt''ss ffaarr ttoooo eexxppeennssiivvee,, aanndd iitt mmaayy ssttaayy tthhaatt
JJoohhnn TTaasscchheekk
DDeecceemmbbeerr 44,, 22000000
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryIntel? Pentium? 4 Platforms For Corporate
Desktop – Why Upgrade?
Intel Advantages
?Significant performance boost
Pentium 4 + over Intel Pentium III systems
? ? ?
?Corporate market does not trust
?RDRAM 2 to 3 times more
expensive than DDR or PC133
?No integrated graphics
Intel Advantages
?PC133 SDRAM infrastructure is
Pentium 4 + cost effective and stable
? Unbalanced memory subsystem
cripples performance
?No integrated Graphics
?No option to upgrade to DDR
?Obsolete by Q1 /02
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryThe Corporate Desktop Standard
Intel? Advantages:
?Stable, reliable platform
Pentium? III
?Integrated graphics reduce
+ 815
VIA ProSavage
?No performance headroom for
software upgrades
?Performance sub-optimal
VIA Apollo compared with DDR or RDRAM
Intel Pentium 4 Systems
? ?
VIA Confidential and ProprietarySo What’s Changed?
DDR For The Pentium? 4
VIA Apollo P4X266 launched bringing DDR Memory Bandwidth
to exploit the power of the Intel? Pentium? 4
No Cost Penalty over PC133
256MB DDR PC2100 DIMM $35.99
256MB SDRAM PC133 DIMM $34.19
256MB RDRAM PC800 DIMM $95.00
SSoouurrccee:: CCrruucciiaall..ccoomm aanndd yyZZtteecchh..ccoomm 2266//0099//0011
Pentium 4 Price Falls to Pentium III level
Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz $256
Intel Pentium III 1.2GHz $268
SSoouurrccee:: TThhee IInnqquuiirreerr 0044//0088//0011
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryThe VIA Apollo P4X266 Has Proved That
DDR + Pentium 4 is the Right
Combination For Every Market Segment
“I have to wonder if VIA even “In the ceaseless debate over DRAM
thought they could produce a types, these benchmark scores only
chipset that has performed as well provide part of the answer. It is
as what has been seen abundantly clear that the broader
here. Benchmark after benchmark, market responds to price first and
we were astounded that VIA has performance second. Considering the
been able to force the Pentium4 to well-known cost advantages of DDR,
achieve the levels of performance it the benchmark results make it very
has using a memory subsystem that clear that DDR SDRAM is a balanced
it was never intended to utilize.” and natural choice for the P4
processor. We believe that OEMs and
consumers will respond positively to
the price and performance profile that
the P4X266 offers for the Pentium 4
“The obvious and most competitive
solution to the dual channel RDRAM
of Intel’s 850 chipset is
“Intel recognized the P4 as
another way to turn the
world on to Rambus,"
“Unfortunately for the
company it still hasn't
turned out that way."
PPrrooSSaavvaaggeeDDDDRR PP44MM226666
CChhiippsseett IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryIntel? Pentium? 4 Processor
Corporate Uptake has been Slow
““OOnnee rreeaassoonn ccoorrppoorraattee uusseerrss sshhoouulldd aavvooiidd tthhee PP44 iiss
tthhaatt iitt wwoonn''tt mmaakkee ooffffiiccee aapppplliiccaattiioonnss ffaasstteerr..””
““AAnnootthheerr rreeaassoonn ttoo aavvooiidd tthhee PP44 iiss tthhaatt iitt uusseess
““FFiinnaallllyy,, ccoorrppoorraattee uusseerrss sshhoouullddnn''tt cchhoooossee tthhee PP44
bbeeccaauussee iitt''ss ffaarr ttoooo eexxppeennssiivvee,, aanndd iitt mmaayy ssttaayy tthhaatt
JJoohhnn TTaasscchheekk
DDeecceemmbbeerr 44,, 22000000
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryIntel? Pentium? 4 Platforms For Corporate
Desktop – Why Upgrade?
Intel Advantages
?Significant performance boost
Pentium 4 + over Intel Pentium III systems
? ? ?
?Corporate market does not trust
?RDRAM 2 to 3 times more
expensive than DDR or PC133
?No integrated graphics
Intel Advantages
?PC133 SDRAM infrastructure is
Pentium 4 + cost effective and stable
? Unbalanced memory subsystem
cripples performance
?No integrated Graphics
?No option to upgrade to DDR
?Obsolete by Q1 /02
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryThe Corporate Desktop Standard
Intel? Advantages:
?Stable, reliable platform
Pentium? III
?Integrated graphics reduce
+ 815
VIA ProSavage
?No performance headroom for
software upgrades
?Performance sub-optimal
VIA Apollo compared with DDR or RDRAM
Intel Pentium 4 Systems
? ?
VIA Confidential and ProprietarySo What’s Changed?
DDR For The Pentium? 4
VIA Apollo P4X266 launched bringing DDR Memory Bandwidth
to exploit the power of the Intel? Pentium? 4
No Cost Penalty over PC133
256MB DDR PC2100 DIMM $35.99
256MB SDRAM PC133 DIMM $34.19
256MB RDRAM PC800 DIMM $95.00
SSoouurrccee:: CCrruucciiaall..ccoomm aanndd yyZZtteecchh..ccoomm 2266//0099//0011
Pentium 4 Price Falls to Pentium III level
Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz $256
Intel Pentium III 1.2GHz $268
SSoouurrccee:: TThhee IInnqquuiirreerr 0044//0088//0011
VIA Confidential and ProprietaryThe VIA Apollo P4X266 Has Proved That
DDR + Pentium 4 is the Right
Combination For Every Market Segment
“I have to wonder if VIA even “In the ceaseless debate over DRAM
thought they could produce a types, these benchmark scores only
chipset that has performed as well provide part of the answer. It is
as what has been seen abundantly clear that the broader
here. Benchmark after benchmark, market responds to price first and
we were astounded that VIA has performance second. Considering the
been able to force the Pentium4 to well-known cost advantages of DDR,
achieve the levels of performance it the benchmark results make it very
has using a memory subsystem that clear that DDR SDRAM is a balanced
it was never intended to utilize.” and natural choice for the P4
processor. We believe that OEMs and
consumers will respond positively to
the price and performance profile that
the P4X266 offers for the Pentium 4
“The obvious and most competitive
solution to the dual channel RDRAM
of Intel’s 850 chipset is
“Intel recognized the P4 as
another way to turn the
world on to Rambus,"
“Unfortunately for the
company it still hasn't
turned out that way."
您好,VIA P4M266 (I G) 芯片組是一種用于計算機主板的集成芯片,它屬于Intel 845G/845EP系列,主要用于處理和控制主板上的基本功能,如CPU接口、內(nèi)存控制器、USB端口、PCI插槽等。"I G"可能是Intel Gigabit(千兆)的縮寫,表示該芯片支持高速的千兆以太網(wǎng)功能。
產(chǎn)品手冊會詳細(xì)列出VIA P4M266的所有特性、規(guī)格、安裝指南、BIOS設(shè)置以及兼容的硬件配置等信息。如果您需要查看具體的參數(shù)或者遇到使用問題,比如如何更新BIOS、如何識別故障等,都可以告訴我,我會盡力提供幫助。如果手冊丟失或找不到,您也可以在網(wǎng)上搜索相關(guān)型號的官方文檔或者第三方下載資源。