TThhee nneeww IRC5 rroobboott ccoonnttrroolllleerrIIRRCC55
IIRRCC55 hhaass eennoouugghh ggooooddiieess ffoorr eevveerryyoonnee..
WWhhiicchh oonnee iiss yyoouurr ffaavvoorriittee??
Powerful Software Tools
Modular Controller
Network capabilities
Graphical FlexPendantIRC5
sets the benchmark
for robot controllers. The heart of
your robot cell, it optimizes all
motion for robots and external
axes. This brand new product is
30 built on 30 years of world leading
robot technology. It comes packed
with fresh possibilities for faster
processes, shorter cycle times
and more effective production
Smooth software tools for
programming and design, as well
IRC5 as a new graphical FlexPendant,
help to make IRC5 a revolotion in
IIRRCC55--ccoonnttrrooll yyoouurr pprrooffiittaabbiilliittyyTThhee ppooiinntt aatt wwhhiicchh yyoouu ccuutt yyoouurr ccoossttss
There s only one point of entry for communication with an
entire cell of robots. Which means the cost of network design
and connections to the PLC, Ethernet and safety circuitry is
minimized. You can look forward to faster and more cost
effective cell installation and modification. If you want to add
another robot, all you need is another drive module.
Drive module
Drive module
Drive module
PLC PLC link
Safety network
Control module
4MMoodduullaarriittyy ccoommeess aass ssttaannddaarrdd
IRC5 The building-block design of the control and drive modules
IRC5 allows IRC5 to grow with your demands. It is expandable and
matches increased production requirements by the simple
addition of a drive unit for each extra robot. Even the software
is modularized. All the basics are there from the start; you
simply add more functionality over time as demands change.
Stackable modules save valuable floor-space
Control modules can be distributed 75 m apart for total flexibility
Each module can be optimally placed, for example drive and
process modules together with the robot , and the controller
module at the operator station
Compact controller option-control and drive modules in one
Quick and easy front connections for external signals
All key parts are accessible without disconnecting cables,
cutting service and maintenance time
5PPrroocceessss mmoodduullee
Complete with connections and an ample power
supply, all you have to do is install your process-
specific equipment. The height of the module is
variable according to the demands of your application.
CCoonnttrrooll mmoodduullee tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff tthhee ccoonnttrroolllleerr
IRC5 s control module houses the CPU, power supply,
service port, operator panel, safety interface, customer
and FlexPendant connections. The control module
includes space for customer equipment.
IRC5 features two Ethernet channels, one for LAN and
one for local connection. IRC5 also has two serial
channels for communication point-to-point with
sensors, I/O units, computers, other production
equipment, terminals and printers.
DDrriivvee mmoodduullee
The drive module houses power supply and the drive
units of the robot as well as additional motors. It also
includes the axis computer, which regulates power
feed to the robot motors. Front access facilitates
smooth maintenance.
6IIRRCC55 IIRRCC55 bbuuiilltt oonn tthhee rroobboott iinndduussttrryy ss
mmoosstt aaddvvaanncceedd ooppeerraattiinngg ssyysstteemm
IRC5 is built on the industry s most advanced operating system for
RAPID ABB controlling robots and peripheral equipment. Featuring RAPID
RobotWare Os Language, ABB s Motion Technology and Communication,
RobotWare OS is the most powerful controller operating system
available today.
RRAAPPIIDD pprrooggrraammmmiinngg
This upgraded version of the world s premier
robot programming language offers the
TThhee nneeww IRC5 rroobboott ccoonnttrroolllleerrIIRRCC55
IIRRCC55 hhaass eennoouugghh ggooooddiieess ffoorr eevveerryyoonnee..
WWhhiicchh oonnee iiss yyoouurr ffaavvoorriittee??
Powerful Software Tools
Modular Controller
Network capabilities
Graphical FlexPendantIRC5
sets the benchmark
for robot controllers. The heart of
your robot cell, it optimizes all
motion for robots and external
axes. This brand new product is
30 built on 30 years of world leading
robot technology. It comes packed
with fresh possibilities for faster
processes, shorter cycle times
and more effective production
Smooth software tools for
programming and design, as well
IRC5 as a new graphical FlexPendant,
help to make IRC5 a revolotion in
IIRRCC55--ccoonnttrrooll yyoouurr pprrooffiittaabbiilliittyyTThhee ppooiinntt aatt wwhhiicchh yyoouu ccuutt yyoouurr ccoossttss
There s only one point of entry for communication with an
entire cell of robots. Which means the cost of network design
and connections to the PLC, Ethernet and safety circuitry is
minimized. You can look forward to faster and more cost
effective cell installation and modification. If you want to add
another robot, all you need is another drive module.
Drive module
Drive module
Drive module
PLC PLC link
Safety network
Control module
4MMoodduullaarriittyy ccoommeess aass ssttaannddaarrdd
IRC5 The building-block design of the control and drive modules
IRC5 allows IRC5 to grow with your demands. It is expandable and
matches increased production requirements by the simple
addition of a drive unit for each extra robot. Even the software
is modularized. All the basics are there from the start; you
simply add more functionality over time as demands change.
Stackable modules save valuable floor-space
Control modules can be distributed 75 m apart for total flexibility
Each module can be optimally placed, for example drive and
process modules together with the robot , and the controller
module at the operator station
Compact controller option-control and drive modules in one
Quick and easy front connections for external signals
All key parts are accessible without disconnecting cables,
cutting service and maintenance time
5PPrroocceessss mmoodduullee
Complete with connections and an ample power
supply, all you have to do is install your process-
specific equipment. The height of the module is
variable according to the demands of your application.
CCoonnttrrooll mmoodduullee tthhee hheeaarrtt ooff tthhee ccoonnttrroolllleerr
IRC5 s control module houses the CPU, power supply,
service port, operator panel, safety interface, customer
and FlexPendant connections. The control module
includes space for customer equipment.
IRC5 features two Ethernet channels, one for LAN and
one for local connection. IRC5 also has two serial
channels for communication point-to-point with
sensors, I/O units, computers, other production
equipment, terminals and printers.
DDrriivvee mmoodduullee
The drive module houses power supply and the drive
units of the robot as well as additional motors. It also
includes the axis computer, which regulates power
feed to the robot motors. Front access facilitates
smooth maintenance.
6IIRRCC55 IIRRCC55 bbuuiilltt oonn tthhee rroobboott iinndduussttrryy ss
mmoosstt aaddvvaanncceedd ooppeerraattiinngg ssyysstteemm
IRC5 is built on the industry s most advanced operating system for
RAPID ABB controlling robots and peripheral equipment. Featuring RAPID
RobotWare Os Language, ABB s Motion Technology and Communication,
RobotWare OS is the most powerful controller operating system
available today.
RRAAPPIIDD pprrooggrraammmmiinngg
This upgraded version of the world s premier
robot programming language offers the
新型IRC5機(jī)器人控制器是工業(yè)機(jī)器人控制技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的一款創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品,由瑞典艾瑞克森(ABB)公司開發(fā)。IRC5代表了"Intelligent Robot Controller 5"系列的最新一代,它是一款高性能、靈活且功能強(qiáng)大的控制器,專為現(xiàn)代自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線設(shè)計(jì)。這款控制器集成了先進(jìn)的微處理器技術(shù)和實(shí)時(shí)控制算法,具備高精度運(yùn)動(dòng)控制、力反饋以及多軸同步運(yùn)動(dòng)能力,能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)機(jī)器人的精準(zhǔn)定位、路徑規(guī)劃和高級(jí)任務(wù)執(zhí)行。